What we do

We are a company from Hamburg and we design and market only hats manufactured in Germany. These hats have a huge additional benefit: They reflect the light and thus provide increased visibility in traffic!

We originally started with the probably most safe and reliable hat for children with a reflecting pompon and emblem. Because our dearest children are at big risk when it comes to traffic. We want to provide a little more safety for the little ones. We understand our hats to be a basic, which keeps warm and especially creates more visibility in traffic. Our hats are each season available in the trending colors, fitting perfectly with the fashion yet without all the unnecessary frippery.

That’s why we fiddle, experiment and optimize and then have our ideas patented. We are always open and upfront for constructive feedback!

So this year we expanded our merchandise from hats for children, students, and teens to hats for infants and adults! Now all of you are easier to see in the dark.

We intentionally chose a German, lasting, transparent, and high-quality manufacturing over cheap imports. Quality before quantity! Environmentally friendly, and socially acceptable manufacturing and products are very important to us.


Some of you have probably wondered how the reflecting yarn works.

Just like inside the paint on for example traffic signs or license plates there are tiny glass balls inside supports (polyester). If light hits the glass balls, it presses through to the bottom side and from there it gets thrown back to the light source (it reflects).

For that reason, the reflection is only noticeable from where the light is coming from. You can review this by using a flashlight to shine light on the side of your hat at daytime. At night you can just shine it right on the hat itself. If you own a smartphone, just take a picture with the flash function turned on. You will be surprised how well you can see the effect on a photo.


Since we got many requests we now also have a few hats for bigger infants in our collection. This means you’ll find four hats in pastel shade with our bio-cotton hat “back-to-school” for the little ones. Even though most of the infants are not yet able to walk by themselves, they will still be easier to make out inside the almost never lighted stroller.

Little Fellow

Even for our little fellows, school children, and toddlers we now have our pompom hats on our arsenal. Because who doesn’t know it? One just rechecks if the car is really locked and before you know it the little one walked 5 meters away on the parking lot. Even though the little ones barely walk around in traffic alone, there are always some situations were a better visibility can prevent bad things from happening.

ABC Shooter

Our ABC Shooters are sadly the most endangered in daily traffic. Undiscerning, untrained, and distracted they master their way to school every day. Us as adults rely on often stressed out people to look out for children. Especially at dawn and walking between parking cars, the children are often hard to see. Well good that the pompom reflects light over 100m so that the driver has plenty of time to react.

For the big guys

Not only for teenagers, but for anyone who wants to be safer we now offer, after our Freak-Beanie and Tweed-Hat, our new plait pattern hat. At daylight a just stylish and good looking hat and at night it provides all around visibility and safety through reflecting yarn.